July 27, 2011#

Updated Site, Updated Hosting

So last week I decided to switch my Hosting company to a new service and update my website with a WordPress back-end. I won’t mention my old Hosting company by name, but they were terrible, really bad support (only by email, because you can’t understand them on the phone), lots of downtime, outdated server software and the list goes on and on. I’m so pleased with my new Hosting company, BlueHost.com, they are based in the U.S. (Utah). So far they’ve given me excellent phone support in English that you can clearly understand, their server software is up-to-date, excellent speed and performance, the pricing is dirt cheap ($6.95/mo) and the best part is that you can have “addon” sites. This means you can add another domain with hosting to your existing account and pay nothing extra, and it functions seamlessly. Yes, I’m bragging about BlueHost.com, that’s because I’ll receive compensation if you sign-up for hosting using any of the links found here. But trust me, you’ll be totally satisfied with your choice and it doesn’t hurt to help me out at the same time, it costs you nothing more.  So if you’re a web designer or a client of mine or just need hosting or want to switch hosts, sign-up today!

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